News &

President’s Update, August 2021

Dear Members, I am pleased to provide you with the latest BPG news. First things first….

SALA Exhibition Update

Our exhibition this year is a truly wonderful curation of 130 works by members covering many genres and mediums. Personally, I think this year’s Exhibition is the highest standard of work that I have seen. Congratulations to all exhibitors. We are having a steady good flow through of visitors to the Exhibition and have sold 14 paintings to date – congratulations to the sellers. If you haven’t yet visited there is still time as our final day is Thursday 26th August.


Judging has been held and I am very pleased to congratulate the following 2021 SALA Award winners. You can see photos of their works on our Facebook page.

BEST IN SHOW • John Palmer for ‘Parrot 2’

PATRON’S AWARD – for paintings in oil or acrylic • 1st prize – Evelyn Richardson for ‘Pots, Pattern + Pastel’ • 2nd prize- Merrawyn Harrison for ‘The Secret Valley’

PRESIDENT’S AWARD – for paintings in watercolour or gouache • 1st prize – Judith Crowley for ‘View from the Footbridge’ • 2nd prize – Elizabeth Little for ‘Twin Pears’

MASAKO HAGA AWARD FOR DRAWING -for works in pencil, pen and ink, pastel or charcoal • 1st prize – Pat Wyllie for ‘Encounter Bay 2’ • 2nd prize – Jack Metcalfe for “House of Prayer”

MERIT CERTIFICATES • Tina Dolgopol for ‘Signs of Spring’ • Lyn Coad for ‘Untitled’ • Alison Thearle for ‘Semaphore Kites’ • Eliza Au for ‘Archer Street North Adelaide

HANGERS PRIZE • Kathy Tyrrell for “The Mountain Lion”

Given this year was the inaugural Masako Haga Award (previously Vice-President’s Award). I sent photos of the winning works to Masako’s daughter. She was so thrilled and asked me to pass on her congratulations to the winners. And she let me know how much the Group meant to her Mum and to her too. It brought back many good memories.

Social events

As you know we had to cancel our Awards Event at The Atrium due to tighter Covid19 restrictions which made holding such an event impractical. In lieu we propose to hold a special Awards Social Night at The Hall later in the year, suitably organised to fit with whatever restrictions are in place at that time. Award winners will receive their certificates and we still hope that our Patron, Hon Vicki Chapman, might be able to join us to present the Awards. More to come.

Stangate House Open Day Picnic

Save the Date – Sunday 24th October. Come along to our Plein Air Picnic Day at Stangate House and Gardens, Stirling, 10am – 4pm. Many thanks to Judith Crowley for organising this with National Trust SA. Free entry for BPG registrants. Please contact Judith to register at

AGSA guided tours

The Art Gallery of SA is reintroducing its guided tours, our next tour is scheduled for Wednesday 8th September. More information on that soon. In the meantime, please take advantage of the Gallery visits which Thelma Harvey has been organising to other galleries and events. Those who have been going along are enjoying them immensely. For more information contact Thelma at

Plein Air

The Plein Air Group enjoyed a wonderful day of painting at the Stangate House Open Day last Sunday – perfect weather and an amazing array of Camellias in bloom. If you are interested in having a go at Plein Air, especially with Spring on the way, please contact Judith Crowley at .

COVID-19 requirements

A reminder that the Group is still operating to a CovidSafe Plan which requires members to observe the Covid19 requirements in place on the day. Penalties apply. Our class sizes have been dictated accordingly and MASKS should be worn when you are in close proximity for class discussions and demonstrations with the tutor. Please remember to QR Code or manually check-in and wipe down all equipment after use.

President Away

All being well, from next week I will be travelling through NT and WA for about 6 weeks, following my other passion of bird photography, and seeing lots of wonderful sights in our great country. In my absence please contact either of Jenny Haslam (0403 042 328), Sue Ward (0435 027 008) for BPG matters and Elizabeth De Boo ( )for class enrolments.

All the best
Kathy Tyrrell