We had a wonderful launch and awards night on 3rd August, with guest speaker Penny Griggs, CEO, Adelaide Central School of Art presenting the awards to the worthy winners. Judging was by esteemed artist and ACSA art lecturer, Melanie Brown. The winners are:
Patron’s Award (Oil and Acrylic) – 1st prize, Elizabeth De Boo for “The End of the Day”; 2nd Prize, Sue Ward for “Mt Barker Series 1”; Merit, Evelynne Richardson for “Just a Bite”.
President’s Award (Watercolour and Gouache) – 1st Prize, Eliza Au for “Red Landscape”; 2nd Prize, John Palmer for “Figures in Blue”; Merit, Elizabeth Little for “Peony”
Masako Haga Award (graphite, charcoal, pastel, pen and ink) – 1st Prize, Cherily Wilson for “E Kiss”; 2nd Prize, Willian Sunjong Choi for “Middleton”; Merit, Martha Adams for “Supersleuth 2”
Hanger’s Prize (awarded by our professional hanger/s for their favourite work) – William Sunjong Choi for “Middleton”