Social Night and Annual General Meeting
Our AGM will be held this year on Wednesday 20th of March at 7 p.m. in St Matthews Hall, Bridge Street, Kensington. Erica Majbe has agreed to be our guest and will speak about the life of a contemporary artist or two, illustrated with videos and images. Erica gives talks on art history at the University of the Third Age and at gatherings of other art lovers and has received excellent reviews for her presentations. Followed by supper and bar facilities.
Secretary: Our much valued secretary, Lyn Coad, is stepping down this year.
Newsletter Editor: One of our long serving committee members, Cynthia Millowick, is unable to continue with the role of Newsletter editor because of ill health. We thank her for the effort she has put into this in the past.
Committee Member: We have space for another committee member or two.
Our committee meetings are held on the second Monday of the month. So far, it has been convenient to start at 6.30 p.m and they are usually over within the hour. Our current members are a pleasure to work with. Anyone considering joining us will find themselves part of a cohesive, congenial group of practical minded people with the interests of BPG at heart.

20 Mar 2024
7pm - 9.30pm

St Matthews Homes’ Activities Hall
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