Oil Painting on Aluminium – Deferred. Watch this Space. with Catherine Fitz-Gerald
Have you ever thought about painting on different types of surfaces? What advantages does it give you? Does it suit your subject? Can you adapt your technique? Is it archival?
Painting in oils on metal, traditionally copper, has been used for hundreds of years. The smooth fine surface was ideal for miniatures and didn’t warp like wood. This workshop we will use the more affordable aluminium and will also experiment with recycled materials.
During five weeks of exploration we will investigate different mediums and concepts in preparation for a final alla prima piece of your own idea in the sixth session. Primarily we will work with palette knives.
Even if oils are new to you, this course is ideal for having a go and giving something new a try. I love painting on metal and I hope you will too.
To enrol in Oil Painting on Aluminium – Deferred. Watch this Space., please contact the tutor liaison.
Viv Bishop
15 Aug 2022
10am - 12.30pm
St Matthews Homes’ Activities Hall
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$95 Members
$135 Non-Members
Additional information
Week 1) Preparing the bases and discussing your individual concept
Week 2) Experimenting with transparency and intense oil colour on aluminium. Understanding the Langridge medium and method. Colour as emotion, taste, scent, music?
Week 3) Further developing your week 1 experiments into an alla prima artwork
Week 4) Experimenting with opaque colours and earth tones in multiple layers. Understanding the Rublev medium and method. Abstractions of reality, details of natural forms which suggest a link to a greater environment. Rock, sand, bark formations as landscapes?
Week 5) Further developing your week 4 concept into an alla prima artwork and planning/finalising your subject choice for week 6
Week 6) Creating your alla prima final art work on aluminium panels supplied by me.
Supplied by Catherine, the final aluminium, mediums, glue.
4-6 aluminium drink cans, clean
4-6 pieces of smooth wood, about 8 x 20 cm
Hard roller or smooth glass jar
Fine metal file, (a metal nail file will do)
Stanley knife
Strong metal spatula
WEEK 2-6
Selection of oil paints, your choice. Ensure you have a mix of transparent and opaque colours.
Selection of palette knives
Various scraping tools, rubber kitchen spatula, old credit card, cardboard, etc.
Masking tape
Paper towel
Paper or glass palette
White sketching paper for testing
Paint brushes only if you wish
A camera, your phone is fine
Any inspirational images of your own you like, printed.