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Lorraine Brown – Watercolour – Be Inspired with Lorraine Brown

Artist Statement

Lorraine Brown has always felt a connection with the art of watercolour. The mediums’ ability to create unique and unexpected results, its risk and surprise, were special and attractive qualities to the artist, who found risk and surprise at every turn in her creative and professional life.

Her expressive works are the product of her desire to story tell and to capture the essence of a subject. Working predominantly in watercolour, Lorraine likes to play with creating texture and that something special, taking risks and going anywhere her imagination might take her.

The artist and tutor defines her vivid works as “expressive impressions” a blend of realism and abstraction and is constantly searching for new ways to use her medium.

Lorraine tutors weekly classes in Adelaide and holds workshops in both the city and regional areas. Video demos are viewed worldwide on her You tube channel. Her paintings are held in private and corporate collections in Australia and overseas.

To enrol in Lorraine Brown – Watercolour – Be Inspired, please contact the tutor liaison.

Sue Ward



18 Aug 2022
10am - 12.30pm


St Matthews Homes’ Activities Hall
Get directions


$95 Members
$135 Non-Members

Additional information

Course Description

Lorraine’s Be Inspired Watercolour Course consists of 6 progressive classes and are highly suitable for beginners and for those with watercolour painting experience.

The tutor will cover basic watercolour echniques, colour theory and composition. Participants will paint 3 different subjects in watercolour and Lorraine’s workshop promises to be fun-filled, stimulating and creative. The 3 varied subjects can be completed over the 6 weekly classes whichoffers plenty of time to complete each one. More experienced painters will have an opportunity to do to choose their own projects.

All reference material and work templates for the 3 class subjects, will be supplied.

Course Materials

Watercolour Brushes:

3 Round brushes – say a number 12,8,4 or a number 10,6,2

1 Flat brush either ½” or ¾”

1 Larger soft brush for washes or wetting the paper, Mop, Hake or Oval

1 Rigger about a number 2 or 3


Plastic is best for leaving home so whilst plastic white plates work well a palette with a lid is ideal so you can easily keep unused pigment at the end of your painting sessions.

Water Pots:

I use two one should ideally stay clean and the other for cleaning. Plastic jars like the type used for fruit with a screw lid are ideal. Don’t need the lid just the jars. Do not bring glass


This is one area that it is best to invest in. Good quality paper 300gsm (140lb) is available in sheets which you can cut to your size or in pads or blocks.

Lorraine recommends Arches or Saunders Waterford Cold Press also known as NOT or medium. It has some grain and ideal for all sorts of subjects. These sheets can be torn in half/quarters and smaller start with smaller pieces of paper will be used to start the course. A full sheet is around $11-15. Cheaper paper – light in weight – will undermine your progress and your results will poor and disappointing.


Purchase what you feel you can afford but best results do come from using artists grade paints.

I use pigment by Winsor & Newton, Daniel Smith and Art Spectrum but there are other artist grade manufacturers.

Art Spectrum are Australian and well priced.

Please bring 7 colours as a minimum of the following: .

1 each of a Warm Red, Blue and Yellow and 1 each of a Cool Red, Blue and Yellow and Burnt Sienna

If you are new to painting a great starting list – all Artist Grade Pigment:


                                    Winsor & Newton               Daniel Smith                         Art Spectrum

Warm Red Winsor Red Pyrrol Red Spectrum Red
Cool Red Permanent Rose Quinacridone Rose Permanent Rose
Warm Yellow New Gamboge New Gamboge New Gamboge
Cool Yellow Winsor Lemon Lemon Yellow Lemon Yellow
Warm Blue French Ultra

Marine Blue

French Ultra

Marine Blue

French Ultra

Marine Blue

Cool Blue Winsor Blue (Green Shade) Phthalo Blue (Green Shade) Phthalo Blue
and Burnt Sienna Transparent Red Oxide Burnt Sienna
and Permanent White Gouache



A support to hold your paper when you paint. Corflute sheet is ideal available from Bunnings etc. Can be cut to size. It cannot be masonite type unless it has been sealed as the water will get into it and it wont stay flat. Ideal size is 50cm x 40cm

Masking Fluid Paper Towel and Tissues
Roll Masking tape ¾” Spray bottle
Notebook, Pencil HB, Ruler Kneaded Eraser (grey, kind to watercolour paper)
Palette knife  – small Plastic table cloth or old towel to cover work area
Board – to support paper. Corflute is ideal avail. Bunnings. Good size is 50x40cm, If wood it needs sealing