The plein air group is already off to a flying start in 2021!
We enjoyed an outing to Gamble Cottage at Blackwood on 14th January. This quaint cottage and garden provided plenty of subject matter and some interesting work resulted.
Although some regulars could not attend due to school holiday grandparent duties, we still had a good turn up of 10 artists.

There are plenty of plein air adventures in the pipeline, so if you wish to join us, drop me an email at so I can add you to the mailing list.
The beginning of the year is a good time to review my email database. If your details have changed, please let me know.
If you originally signed up for emails but are no longer interested, please email me with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject heading and I will delete your contact from further emails.
Looking forward to a productive year ahead in the great outdoors!
Kind regards,
Judith Crowley