Art Courses
and Classes

Throughout the year, we offer a range of popular 6 week art courses that cover a wide range of topics, mediums, styles, and techniques. These are open to Members and Non-Members

Our 2024 courses include techniques in oils, pastels, acrylic, mixed media, charcoal, and watercolour. 

All our courses are taught by experienced, professional, and well-known Australian artists. 2024 sees a return of some of our most popular tutors and a couple of new ones.

Course numbers are limited to ensure individual attention.

Enrolments for each course or class are made directly with the Contact person listed on the Schedule.

To see photos and details of our previous courses and classes, view our course archive.


Course fees for each Term of classes are:-

6 week courses – Members $135: Non-Members $180 unless otherwise advertised.

Enrolments should be made with the nominated Contact person.

EFT payments are payable upon confirmation of enrolment to the following account:

BSB: 105073
Account Number: 286130240
Account Name: Burnside Painting Group Inc

Description: Your Name plus Course Code (eg M2)

Course Schedule

View our calendar of upcoming classes and courses here.

View our schedule of Art Courses here: