Lyn Coad
Member Gallery


Looking to extend my artistic practice, I joined the Burnside Painting Group in 2017. In 2018, I became the Secretary on the BPG Management Committee, a position I still hold. In addition, I am one of a group of four women who work collectively to organise the rich and varied programme of courses offered to members each year.

I have fun experimenting and exploring many different mediums and styles. Over a number of years, I have drawn in graphite and coloured pencils, pen, charcoal and pastels and painted in Watercolour, gouache and Acrylic. I enjoy equally working on landscapes, both rural and urban, still life and portraits of both people and animals. Perhaps I would be best described as a jack-of-all-trades (master of none?).

I regularly show my work in our group’s SALA exhibitions and was awarded an Honourable Mention for a landscape in 2021.

Lyn Coad