AGSA August Visit: SALA – South Australian Artist Julia Robinson
To celebrate the South Australian Living Artist Festival, AGSA displays a selection of works by Adelaide artist Julia Robinson. As the SALA focus artist for 2024, Robinson draws on European folklore, mythology and gothic ritual, often focusing on the macabre or taboo elements of these histories. She is fascinated by the narratives that humans have developed to comprehend the enduring inevitabilities of life, such as birth, death and sex. The display builds on AGSA’s fundamental commitment to acquiring and exhibiting the work of South Australian artists.
To attend AGSA August Visit: SALA – South Australian Artist Julia Robinson, please notify us via the details below.
Thelma Harvey

14 Aug 2024

Art Gallery of South Australia, North Terrace, Adelaide
Additional information
Meet near the cafeteria at the rear of the Gallery at 10.20am