Art Images Gallery – Festival of landscapes
Art Images, 32 The Parade, Norwood
Coffee or lunch at Tell Henry, 52 The Parade, Norwood.
To attend Art Images Gallery – Festival of landscapes, please notify us via the details below.
Thelma Harvey, Social Secretary

8 Apr 2022

Art Images, 32 The Parade, Norwood
Additional information
“Festival of Landscapes” showcases a selection of work by a group of local and interstate artists capturing the diverse nature of the Australian landscape in a variety of mediums. ARTISTS Lauren Guymer; Peter Harley Jensen; Jud Keresztesi; Christine Lawrence; Christine McCarthy; Xanthe Murphy; Suzie Riley; Harry Sherwin; Anthea Stead; Mark Warren; Peter Watts; Amanda Westley; Darren White; Diana Wiseman; Katie Wyatt.