Alex Beckinsale – Life Drawing: M7 with Alex Beckensale
Artist Statement
Alex Beckinsale graduated with Honours from the Adelaide Central School of Art in 2016 and is now an experienced and very popular tutor there. Her main skills are in figurative drawing and her teaching will be very valuable for beginners and the more experienced alike.
Course Description
In this course participants will work both from live models and instructional demonstrations to gain a greater understanding in how to capture a sense of life and form in drawings of the human figure. Alex will guide you through exercises that develop fundamental skills in proportion, form and tone, as you work towards a series of completed sketches from the model.
Course Materials
– A4 or A3 Sketchbook (Canson, Art Spectrum or Derwent recommended)
– Graphite pencils (HB, 2B + 4B recommended)
– Hard + kneadable erasers
– Pack of Willow Charcoal in assorted sizes (Coates Brand has a good pack)
– 6 x sheets of A2 newsprint or butchers paper
– 6 x A2 or A1 sheets of Cartridge paper
– Rag
– Soft paintbrush (optional)
Course Schedule
To enrol in Alex Beckinsale – Life Drawing: M7, please contact the tutor liaison.
Lyn Coad

23 Oct 2023
10am - 12.30pm

St Matthews Homes’ Activities Hall
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$135 Members: $180 Non-Members